
Triangle imzadi ii
Triangle imzadi ii

triangle imzadi ii triangle imzadi ii

If you really want to make an interesting triangle, they should use the angle of "Thomas Riker", the transporter-accident clone, and he even is in the novel, but the way that he is used, it was just a waste of the character. However, when they decided to publish the sequel, they want to use the change in the series where now Worf and Deanna were in the process to be an item, yuck! No, no, no. And if you ever read "Imzadi" (the FIRST novel) you won't have any doubt of that anymore in your life. Together or not, they are just perfect for each other. Deanna Troi and William Riker are a perfect couple. However, there are perfect couples, not matter if they are still together or not, that you just don't have to mess up. Worf? Really? I have nothing against the character, many of the best Klingon-related stories on the series were involving this character. I think that it even wasn't fault of Peter David, but to the decision of the producers in Star Trek: The Next Generation to put together Deanna Troi with Worf. And "Imzadi II: Triangle" was of those cases.

triangle imzadi ii

However, I said myself: "Hey, who cares? It's a sequel to Imzadi!!!" Well, there are things that it's much better to keep them as an isolated success and not trying to repeat it. I didn't understand why there was a sequel since the first novel had a very fair conclussion. So, maybe can imagine how excited was when I knew that there was a sequel, written by the same author. I say this since to me "Imzadi", the first novel, also by Peter David is my favorite novel of Star Trek, and easily can reach the point of my favorite novel ever (see review of that novel here: Imzadi ). Reading this book reminded the expression "Falling from ecstasy to agony".

Triangle imzadi ii