Note that Cosgrove has made revisions to the books, so some of the tropes below may not apply as described to every edition. The plots range from the whimsical to very serious. Many of these lessons are uncontroversial, but a few may be the source of some YMMV. Each story attempts to teach a specific moral, which is (usually) presented gently. Most of the stories’ main characters are ordinary animals or else mythical creatures, some generic and others of the author’s invention. Serendipity Books are currently in print and remain popular.

It has remained popular and though titles lapsed and went out of print, continuing demand led to the author having their publication revived. In 1978, Cosgrove sold Serendipity Books to the publisher Price/Stern/Sloan and continued to write new books for the series. The first four titles were published by the author in 1974 the series is named after the title character of one of them. A popular series of over 70 children’s books, all written by Stephen Cosgrove and attractively illustrated by Robin James.