He can’t ever seem to do anything right anyway. Julian finds it’s just easier to give up than keep trying. He has no idea how to fit in his social skills and tastes were stunted at a young age, making it even harder for him to find a common ground around the other kids his age. On the rare occasions when he does show up to class, Julian is picked on mercilessly by the other kids his flaws and differences are cruelly laid bare like an open wound for all of his peers to see.

Awkward and insecure in his own skin, he spends his time at high school desperately trying to disappear by melting into the background. Julian is the polar opposite, all dark instead of light. Pieces of his friends all help to make up who Adam is on the inside, and along with his amazing and supportive mother and his lingering ADHD, he is a shining star in a sea of darkness. He has a close-knit group of friends that hit all areas of the spectrum in a beautiful rainbow: the moody jock, an effervescent pixie, one starkly classic beauty, and a musical hipster. He’s self-deprecating, gently honest, and full of a certain spark of joy that spreads like wildfire.

He’s handsome in that wonderfully unassuming way that so few teenage boys tend to be. “Īdam Blake is the boy that all girls dream of being with and all boys dream of being.